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Study abroad in Russia as international student and discover the wonderful standards available at Russian universities.
Study in Russia is your most popular resource dedicated to help foreign students looking for education in Russian universities with all information they need in order to make informed decisions about Russia. You can study in English or in Russian language its your choice to choose!
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will ensure you receive good quality timely advice support in preparation for your education in Russia and your student life during your stay in Russia. Our staff are all specialized and can relate first hand to what it is like for your Education in Russia university in easy steps.
The team responsible for putting together this network is highly regarded and has been honored for their work in promoting Russian universities globally with activities such as conducting professional training seminars organizing direct marketing programs and conducting surveys.
Why Russia?
There are around 1750000 international students studying in Russia each year it is our most sincere wish that every student experiences the country at its best. Russia has a long-standing tradition in high-quality education for all citizens. Russia has one of the best education systems in the world producing a literacy rate (98%) exceeding most European countries and USA.
1.High quality of education
In Russia, you can obtain fundamental knowledge in a whole range of different areas of training and specialties, and Russian universities have centuries-old traditions and rich experience working with foreign students – foreign applicants appeared in domestic universities at the end of the 19th century.
Every year, over 300,000 students from around the world come to study at Russian universities , and this number is constantly growing. This level of trust in the quality of Russian education makes the country one of the leaders in popularity among foreign students.
The teaching staff of universities ensures high quality of the educational process: more than 37 thousand doctors of science and more than 136 thousand candidates of science work in the higher education system, and business representatives are also actively involved in the implementation of educational programs to ensure a practice-oriented approach.
Continuous development of the quality of education is one of the priorities of state programs, which allows using the most advanced technologies and digital tools to organize the educational process.
Russia is a recognized world leader in training mathematicians, physicists, chemists, geologists, engineers, programmers, doctors and specialists in other natural sciences. This is confirmed by the positions of Russian universities in such international rankings as ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities), QS World University Rankings, THE (THE World University Rankings).
2. Wide choice of educational programs:
There are currently 741 universities in the Russian higher education system , including 29 national research universities, 10 federal universities, and 2 universities with special status: Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University.
Everyone will be able to find a place to their liking; the number of training areas presented exceeds 400 and covers subject areas from mathematical and natural sciences to the arts and culture.
A wide choice is presented at all levels of education, in Russia there are more than 650 specialties in bachelor’s, master’s, specialist’s, postgraduate (residency, adjunct), assistantship-internship programs. Russian universities also offer pre-university preparatory programs (to prepare for admission to bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs), short-term programs (summer university, semester in Russia, summer schools), programs for studying Russian as a foreign language, additional education programs: professional retraining and advanced training.
3. World class education at an affordable price
The cost of education at Russian universities is significantly lower than at universities in the USA, Canada and Great Britain. At the same time, the quality of Russian education is recognized throughout the world.
In 2020, the cost of tuition at Russian universities for full-time bachelor’s degree programs started at 83 thousand rubles per year ($1,186), depending on the specialty. The maximum cost at the most prestigious metropolitan universities in the country reached 586 thousand rubles per year ($8,371).
The cost of education varies significantly across the country, with prices in the regions being significantly lower than in the capital. Thus, choosing regional universities located outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg can save you a lot of money, and the presence of universities in 82 regionsnbsp; – from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok – provides a wide range of choices.
Russia is one of the few countries that provide foreigners with the opportunity to study free of charge on a budgetary basis. In 2020, 15 thousand budget places in Russian universities were allocated for foreign citizens. Another opportunity is to take part in university Olympiads , the winners and prize-winners of which are given benefits when entering leading Russian universities.
4. Opportunity to receive scholarships and grants
The country has a well-developed system of scholarship programs. Regardless of which country a student comes from and what subject he wants to study, he will find a scholarship that meets his needs.
Many universities offer scholarship programs and research grants . For example, students have the opportunity to receive additional funding for outstanding academic achievements . There is also support for students who find themselves in financial difficulties.
Full-time students of Russian universities that have state accreditation have the right to discounted travel on public transport (metro, bus, trolleybus, tram). Full-time students of Russian universities have the right to a 50% discount on travel on suburban trains (within one region). The discount is valid from September 1 to June 15 of each year.
Discounts for students are often offered by various companies (Russian and international) and service establishments, as well as museums , exhibitions and art spaces.
5. Double degree
Diplomas from Russian universities are recognized in most countries of the world. This procedure is facilitated by intergovernmental agreements between Russia and more than 60 countries.
In addition, many Russian universities implement joint programs with foreign universities, issuing their graduates two diplomas at once . That is, while studying in Russia, you can receive both a Russian diploma and, for example, a diploma from a European university (for example, France, Italy, Germany, Finland, etc.).
In addition, international students can participate in academic mobility and international exchange programs , within which they can go for one or two semesters to study or do an internship at a partner university abroad.
6. Studying Russian language
Russian is spoken by about 260 million people on the planet, and about 10.5 million foreigners are constantly studying Russian. It is a popular language for most of Eastern Europe, and also the second most frequently used language on the Internet. Having mastered it, students acquire not only a useful communication skill, but also a great advantage in the labor market.
Many universities provide foreign students with the opportunity to study Russian for free . In addition, there are various language courses, winter and summer schools, and one-year preparatory programs.
Many are intimidated by the complex grammar and Cyrillic alphabet, but knowledge of Russian opens the door to other Slavic languages, helps to better understand the country, communicate with local residents and gives the opportunity to get acquainted with world-famous works of classical Russian literature in the original.
7. Dormitories and low cost of living
Most universities provide dormitories for their students, so applicants do not have to worry about urgently finding housing in a new country. Accommodation in dormitories is either free or for a symbolic amount, which cannot be compared, for example, with European prices. While the renovation and furnishings of campuses are in no way inferior to world standards . Many dormitories provide different types of accommodation: rooms for one, two or three people, as well as family units.
In general, living expenses in Russia are lower than in Europe or North America. For example, a kilogram of apples in France will cost 2.43 euros, in Greece 1.37 euros, while in Russia only 0.74 euros. The difference is especially noticeable for students coming from countries where the official currency is dollars or euros, due to the favorable exchange rate of the ruble.
8. Unique nature and culture
The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world, covering approximately 1/8 of the Earth and spanning 11 time zones . It is a unique territory with diverse geographic landscapes and climate zones, from snowy Siberia to the subtropics of the Black Sea. During the holidays, students can explore the marble quarries of Karelia, enjoy the crystal clear waters of Lake Baikal, or climb the volcanoes of Kamchatka.
In addition to the unique nature, foreign guests are attracted by Russian culture . From the classics of Russian literature – Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, to modern opera and ballet artists conquering the world stage. You can also understand the culture of the country through music : folk songs or classical works by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov.
To touch art, it is not necessary to even go to the theater or museum, it is enough to walk along the city streets, which can surprise with their unique architecture . For example, the historical center of St. Petersburg with palaces and estates from the tsarist era is officially considered an open-air museum.
The Bolshoi Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Museum, the Hermitage, St Isaac’s Cathedral – Russian cultural attractions known throughout the world attract millions of tourists every year. However, this is only a small part of what is worth visiting. The UNESCO World Heritage List includes 30 Russian cultural sites.
And, of course, any foreign student will appreciate the richness of Russian cuisine . You should definitely try pancakes, homemade pelmeni, buckwheat porridge, aspic and Olivier salad according to the Soviet recipe.
9. Easy adaptation for foreign students
Modern Russia is a mix of Asia and Europe , a place where everyone can find a piece of their home. Throughout history, Russia has bordered with a variety of countries and peoples, absorbing their traditions and values, which has led to a wide ethnic and cultural diversity. Today, the country is home to more than 200 peoples speaking more than 100 languages and dialects .
In addition, the state guarantees freedom of religion at the constitutional level . Representatives of world faiths – Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, peacefully coexist in all cities. For example, in St. Petersburg alone, you can find churches, cathedrals, mosques, synagogues, datsans and prayer houses of 42 faiths .
Thanks to such diversity, applicants from absolutely any country will be able to feel comfortable in a new country and easily adapt to student life.
10. A busy student life
Students’ lives are not limited to their studies at the university. There are many activities that you can do in your free time to get to know other students better, make new friends, and learn something new at the same time.
Each university in the country has theater studios, sports teams, and volunteer associations . Throughout the year, a huge number of youth holidays and festivals take place in different cities , where students can not only come as spectators, but also become full-fledged participants. For example, they can talk about the features and traditions of their country at the Days of National Cultures.
Fans of intellectual jokes and acting skills can try their hand at humorous games of the Club of the Funny and Inventive (KVN). Participants compete in funny improvisations, prepared scenes and humorous answers to questions from the host and judges. The best university teams perform at the All-Russian games, which are broadcast on national television.
Universities pay special attention to the development of physical culture . Students can work out for free in sports complexes, gyms, swimming pools and outdoor playgrounds at universities. Sports sections organize student trips to nature and hikes. Foreign students can easily join university sports teams , for example, in football or fencing, and compete in various Spartakiads, including international competitions.